Potential to be ridiculously epic.
I'm sure you know you have to put music to this. %u266A
With a story, this can be more epic than it shows...Hehe. A lone stickman against...erm. ...Nevermind.
But especially with the Greek columns at the last level. The dynamite was REALLY well done and surprising to even be in the game. It makes it seem that the stickman is trapped in some bright and cheerful world when he wants to get back to reality...
And he is trapped in some Greek dungeon. ...Awesome.
Graphics fit perfectly...although scenery would always be nice.
Going back to the start adds...artifical length to the game, I guess. Level 2's key backtracking makes it by far the hardest level, especially due to no long land stretch cushioning you from endless abyss.
I definitely think you should make a sequel...:D